• cleanroom cleaning supplies hand glove sanitizer novaclenz waterless 60% ethanol alcohol
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Hand & Glove Sanitizer, NovaClenz, Waterless, 60% Ethl. Alc.


NovaClenz™ Hand and Glove Sanitizer

Effective and fast acting instant hand sanitizer which requires no sink, water or towels. Clear gel contains 60% ethyl alcohol to provide excellent antiseptic and sanitization capabilities. Formulation helps prevent bacterial transfer including Pseudonomas, Salmonella and Staphylococcus.
Essential for pharmaceutical, bio-medical and health care applications.

Sold By 500 ML Pumps. 6 Pumps per Case.

** $25.00 Minimum Purchase when ordering online. **

Add quantity to '6' for 1 Full Case when ordering online.


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